Alliance for Innovation – Polish American Foundation organizes Polish participation in 15th Annual Symposium on Chief Data Officers ( and Information Quality organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
AFI has been asked to prepare a presentation for a virtual MIT symposium that for the past 15 years has highlighted the growing role of Chief Data Officer in public and private organizations. All organizations focus on the challenges of quality data and information and their management as a key planning and operational function whether or not they have a CDO. As a consequence, this symposium attracts an international audience (actual and virtual) of 5000 attendees. Poland will be represented by the Head and a Deputy from the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center – Cezary Mazurek and the Co-Chair of Alliance for Innovation – Polish American Foundation – Marcin Hańczaruk. The virtual symposium will be held on July 20 through 22.
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