Take a moment to reflect on the unforgettable “Chopin. The Space Concert.” Exactly a year ago on March 18, an enchanting evening filled with the music of Frederic Chopin combined with the gripping space mission’s documentary was held. Friendship between The United States, Poland, and Ukraine was celebrated simultaneously supporting the Alliance for Innovation’s objective of establishing a Center of Excellence for Polytrauma in Poland.
Sincerest congratulations to George Handy President of the Supervisory Board of Alliance for Innovation, Beata Biel Executive Director of the Alliance for Innovation, and Marcin Hańczaruk, Co-Chairman of AFI Poland, for their crucial contribution to the event. The deepest congratulations to the Medical Society of Virginia (MSV) and Beata Pękala from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington, D.C. for being the most valuable partners of the event. Finally, a heartfelt congratulations to Krzysztof Migas for creating breathtaking content for the event.