The presentation of Chopin in Space will not be held as planned on October 13, 2021. It is delayed until the Spring of 2022. We apologize for any inconvenience in your planning.

The reason for this delay is the impact of the Covid virus. Currently, Polish musicians are not permitted to enter the United States thus limiting the Polish-American character of this event. Masking and personal distancing are being practiced at a level that will markedly reduce the interactive nature of this event. The expectation that children will attend this event makes actual and potential health risks of even greater consequence. These limitations are expected to continue through October 13 and possibly grow more severe.

Living with today’s realities and using the time provided by this delay wisely: The organizers of this event will use the time until a presentation of Chopin in Space can be safely and responsibly presented to provide periodic messages on the spirit, hope, and practical advances inspired by this magical synthesis of art and science.

We will contact you with brief messages during the months ahead and look forward to seeing you at Chopin in Space 2022! As co-organizers of this event, the Alliance for Innovation and the Medical Society of Virginia join with others who have supported Chopin in Space in hoping that you will enjoy our planned, periodic messages, will contact us with your questions and suggestions and will join us for the presentation of Chopin in Space in 2022.

Please keep in contact with us at